March Madness: GLOBE Edition
When we were in UNC, local students would often say, that it was a shame that we weren’t at UNC during the spring semester. The reason? March Madness. The month where College Basketball is the primary topic of conversation, invitations to viewing parties are copious and school pride is at its peak. Being the college of Michael Jordan, Roy Williams, the 4 corners offense and six national championship titles, it is no surprise that UNC takes this tournament VERY seriously and by the end of our semester there, I was definitely a little disappointed that we wouldn’t be on campus to support our team in the NCAA championship.
However, since we were in HK during that time, we wanted to make the most of the UNC games either way. Therefore, Tejas Dalvi from our UNC batch got in contact with the UNC Alumni Group in Hong Kong to arrange small viewing events on the days where the Tar Heels were playing.
The most important event, however, was of course the big UNC v Duke game. Pretty much all of the GLOBErs wanted to join, so we contacted the Alumni Group once again and a few days later, they got back to us with a time (6:30am!) and a place, namely the ‘American Club’, which was very fitting, considering the circumstances! On top of this, we were told that some fans from the Duke Alumni Club would join the viewing as well, making the whole thing much more exciting.
So, on the morning of the 10th March, 30 tired, though high-spirited, GLOBE students donned their Carolina Blue merchandise and got on a bus to central HK to meet their fellow Tar Heels and rival Blue Devils.
After a terrific and intense game, UNC came out on top! We celebrated our win and thanked the Duke fans for joining us, before heading straight back to our dorm rooms in I House for a much-needed nap.
Just as we said on our Instagram post, every day is a good day to be a Tar Heel, but it was really special to be cheering for our team from halfway across the world!